

Potpuni naziv:

RR CO. Knowledge Centre Ltd. Ljubljana, Slovenija

Odgovorno lice:

Mateja Rudolf, General Manager

Matični broj:


Datum osnivanja:



Adresa:DUNAJSKA CESTA 20, 1000, SI Ljubljana, Slovenija
Telefon: ??? (?)? ??? ?? ??
??? (?)? ??? ?? ??
Fax: ??? (?)? ??? ?? ??

Status, prihod, vlasništvo

Oblik svojine:


Opis djelatnosti

RR CO. is a company with a long standing tradition and team of 20 employees of which 13 are core multidisciplinary experts in the field of grant funding. We are a global player in the field of obtaining grants for research projects and managing such projects. We focus on development of knowledge products and services connected to the needs of our respective clients who are exploiting the possibilities of grants.

We have also established two own franchises namely RR Associated Consultant and EU Partners which is focused on providing services locally on the Balkan market. In addition to this the company is connected to several strategic partners over Europe which ensures the effective dissemination of knowledge to new markets and additional quality of service.

Our clients portfolio ranges from research organisations such as Universities and technology parks through to authorities such as Ministries and industry - including large international companies as well as small or medium sized enterprises.

We are a virtual corporation active in several areas all of which are focused on achieving excellence for our customers in the field of grant funding. The virtual corporation is committed to assisting customers mainly through providing first-class consultancy and training as well as finding optimal solutions for specific issues related to grant-funded projects and processes.

Our advantages include wide international network and a strong position as an experienced global player in the field of grant-funding.

As a virtual organisation we work on five main areas of development

KNOWLEDGE CENTRE dealing with grant funding issues from writing the application to project management and training

EFAMT solving administrative and financial issues in grant-funded projects We have developed our own tool EFAMT for easy administrative and financial management of grant-funded projects.

EU PARTENRS franchises in the Balkan market to locally support innovative thinking in the New Member States and Associated countries through rising administrative capacity and providing general support in grant-funded projects.

RR ASSOCIATED CONSULTANT Franchise intended to support smaller players such as SMES on the local market. Currently this franchise is only opened for a Slovenian market.

STRATEGIC ALLIENCES To spread the excellence and further increase end strengthen our knowledge and quality of services we have strong links to other organisation in the international markets.
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Vidi sve

13.07.2007.  |  Finansije

"RR&CO" traži partnere u Srbiji za pružanje savetodavnih usluga potencijalnim korisnicima bespovratnih sredstava EU

(Danijel Koletić) Predstavnici slovenačke konsultantske kuće za pomoć u pripremi i vođenju projekata "RR & CO" najavili su na konferenciji za novinare da će u Srbiji, putem franšize, otvoriti tri centra, koja će biti na usluzi onima koji žele da dobiju bespovratna sredstva Evropske unije. Danijel Koletić, direktor Apriori komunikacija, rekao je da "RR & CO" želi da otvori

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Brokerske usluge vezane za hartije od vrednosti

Upravljanje portfoliom na berzi

Finansijski konsalting

Studije izvodljivosti, procene, konsalting i analize u planiranju, projektovanju, razvoju

Priprema projekata, analiza troškova investicija

Inženjerske usluge, inženjering

Konsalting i savetovanje u inženjerstvu

Inženjerske studije i istraživanja

Istraživanje, razvoj, konsalting

Razvojne savetodavne usluge

Prethodne studije opravdanosti i tehnološke prezentacije vojne opreme i tehnologije

Pravno savetovanje i zastupanje

Pravno savetovanje

Savetovanje vezano za patente i autorska prava

Savetovanje vezano za autorska prava

Ispitivanje tržišta

Analiza tržišnih istraživanja

Studija izvodljivosti, feasibility studije

Poslovni konsalting, konsalting menadžmenta i srodne usluge

Upravljanje projektima, osim u građevinarstvu

Obrazovanje i edukacije

Usluge obuke i treninga

Obuka menadžmenta

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