Advokatska kancelarija Milošević
Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Vladimir Milošević
Matični broj:
Datum osnivanja:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum
Status, prihod, vlasništvo
Oblik svojine:
Broj zaposlenih:
? (????)
Nivo prihoda/godina:
???-??? EUR
Rast prihoda:
3 godine uzastopnog rasta prihoda
4 godina uzastopno ostvarene dobiti
Opis djelatnosti
We are committed to redefining the role that a law firm can play in an emerging regional market. We assist international and local clients from a plethora of industries in establishing, building, and maintaining their business presence in the region and navigating the complex legal landscape, shaped by the interplay between the existing local and international legal framework.
Our team comes from the leading Serbian and European universities and has extensive local and international experience, with a proven capacity to provide flexible, practical solutions even in the most difficult and highly complex cases and projects.
Milosevic Law Firm is a truly innovative law firm committed to building long-term relationships with the clients, based on reciprocity, trust and highest standards of professional ethics. Our client portfolio covers multinational and national companies, techs, banks and other financial institutions, strategic and financial investors, large SOEs, SMEs and governments across the region.
We have successfully handled some of the largest investment, infrastructural and PPP projects in Serbia over the past five years.
We are trusted to deliver pragmatic and innovative solutions and high-end legal advice even when faced with the most complex of challenges.
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Sporazumni prestanak radnog odnosa - Novine u sudskoj praksi?
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Da li vam je poznata klauzula pravednog razloga u oblasti radnog prava?
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30.03.2023. | Vijesti
Postupak unosa prava svojine na nepokretnosti - U osnovni kapital društva prilikom osnivanja
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Nivo godišnjeg prihoda (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Broj zaposlenih
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Dobit (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.