Regional Investment Fund "Western Balkan Investment" founded headquarters in Montenegro
The most liquid stocks of 15 companies on the Belgrade Stock Exchange had significant increase in value in 2006, so that this stock exchange index regostered rise of 59%. However, even bigger growth was registered by the prices of the stocks in Montenegro, where this index amounted to 90% in 2006. The enormous rise was also achieved on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange - more than 100%.
That was the reason for the group of experts to found a regional investment fund "Western Balkan Investment" and to register it in Montenegro, because the founding of the fund in that country is much simpler. Also, the investors do not have to pay the tax on capital profit in amount of 20%, that is, 10%, depending on whether the investor is physical or juristic person.
With the capital of 10m EUR, this region-oriented fund will appear on the stock exchanges of western Balkans, as well as in Romania and Bulgaria, the new members of EU. Among the main founders of the fund are the investors from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Italy, which so far worked the most through Belgrade-based company "Senzal".
- For start, we plant to invest major share of the available money, up to 60%, in the market of Serbia. We also plan to form about 10% of portfelio in Montenegro and the rest in the other countries of the region - says Manager Esad Zaimović and adds that he expects that even larger offer of the new stocks will appear on Serbia's Stock Exchange starting from March 10, because all companies are bound by the Law to do so .