Krstic: Budget revision in July
(Lazar Krstic)
The finance minister Lazar Krstic said last night that more than EUR 7 million was paid into dinar and foreign currency account, for the endanged flooded area and announced budget revision for july, because most of the funds for rehabilitation will be out of republic budget.
Accurate damage assessment is very important, as well as control of the money intended for rehabilitation and help to the endangered by floods, said Krstic for RTS and pointed out that we need to balance our needs with fund resources.
If we speak about controling the money for the endangered by floods, Krstic said all the acts will be transparent and everybody has to report what has been done with the money.
- We have already discussed with DRI. We will carry out stringent control, because we can not lose trust of those who donated money. It is considered the the whole amount goes through government damage assessment committee, to let us know where and how it is spent – specified Krstic.
- The finance minister said the government is going to do budget revision, but a few weeks after, in July, instead of original date 15-20 June.
Answering questions about certain budget saving measures, Krstic said it is too early to talk about that, before damage assessment is conducted.
- We are making organization in the course of operations – said the finance minister.
When it comes to organizing funds search, part of it will go through European integration Office and the minister Jadranka Joksimovic, while donations and credits go through the Ministry of finance. The ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of communication with the EU, explained Krstic.
Minister said it is hard to plan any funds for emergency circumstances, and it is too early to speak about assessments.
- Donations are coming from everywhere. I consider that a positive signal how people see Serbia and its international position. But it can't come out of a blue – added Krstic.
When something happens unexpectedly, you can count on emergency funds. So, we have to assess the damage with local self-governments – said minister.