Market liberalization likely to push electricity price up
Electricity market will most likely be open to households and small buyers as of 1 July 2014, which will also lead to an increase in electricity price, it was said today at the event "Regional Electricity Market".
- Households can and should expect an increase in the price of electrical power because the current price is below the one that makes it possible to build new power plants and if we fail to ensure their construction with the price, we will experience a big problem with the stability of power supply as all the power plants we're using now were built by our fathers - said Ljiljana Hadzibabic, a membjer of the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia.
When asked by the press, she was unable to specify how big price increase would be caused by the opening of the electricity market, but she reiterated we should expect the electricity price to go up because the current one was below market prices and makes it impossible to invest in new power plants.
As she added, the liberalization of electricity market for households has started recently in Europe, where a very small number of consumers have changed their supplier so far.