Shares of Sevojno-based Jedinstvo on Listing B of Belgrade Stock Exchange as of January 13
Shares of the Jedinstvo company from Sevojno will be an integral part of the market segment Standard Listing as of Monday, January 13th. This list called Listing B already includes the shares of Komercijalna Banka, Metalac and Alfa Plam.
By the decision of the Listing Commission, Jedinstvo shares will be traded in aforementioned market segment and the company will have to publish quarterly financial reports and report on all important events relevant to its operations, Wisebroker's broker Nenad Gujanicic told Beta news agency.
Jedinstvo shares gained 7.3 percent in value last year. With the latest share price of RSD 4.850, the company's market cap is at RSD 1.48 billion (EUR 12.8 million).
Jedinstvo, whose shares are now traded in the Open Market of the Belgrade Stock Exchange, registered a consolidated revenue of RSD 3.73 billion in the first six months of 2013 (up 69.4%) and a consolidated net profit of RSD 142.1 million (up 160%), Gujanicic reiterated.