Investor is looking for 4 hectares in Paracin - chicken meat processing section EUR 5 mil worth underway
The chicken meat processing section could soon be opened in Paracin. It would total EUR 5 mil, as announced at the municipal site at
The Mayor of the municipality, Sasa Paunovic, said last week at the meeting with the citizens of Paracin villages that potential investor needs 4 hectares, on the left side of the Striz-Drenovac road. He invited everybody interested in the sales of land or mediation to come to the Office for Local Economic Development.
As it has been said, the lot should be far from the settlement as well as form any other plant.
- An investor, who is not from the Paracin Municipality, is interested in investing here because we can provide overall infrastructure - water, road, sewarage... –Paunovic said.
-He said he would employ some 70 workers which is not a small number – the Mayor of Paracin added.