Raiffeisen Leasing provides EUR 10 million for on-lending to SMEs in Serbia

Source: Beta Tuesday, 27.11.2012. 15:47

Raiffeisen Leasing Belgrade said in a release that it had signed an agreement with the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) on a EUR 10 million facility for on-lending to small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia.

CEB and Raiffeisen Leasing have provided EUR 10 million each for support to SMEs in Serbia.

As it was stressed, this project involves the co-funding of subprojects related to productive investments undertaken by existing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Council of Europe Development Bank, headquartered in Paris, is a multilateral development bank and the financial instrument of the solidarity policy of the Council of Europe, which monitors its work. CEB approves loans to its members for projects whose implementation it supports and supervises.

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