UNIVEREXPORT:We are not negotiating with Agrokor
Today, Novi Sad-based Univerexport has indirectly neglected writings of the Belgrade media on negotiations referring to sales of ownership stake to Croatian Agrokor.
Beta Agency found out in Univerexport that, the fact certain complicates were interested in becoming majority owners of the largest commercial chain in Vojvodina, did not mean present owners were ready to sell it.
- Ambition and interest in Univerexport purchase confirms our value and proves we are healthy company – Univerexport representatives said.
Univerexport has a 4% stake in Serbian trade and, after Maxi was sold to Belgium Delhaize, it is the largest domestic commercial chain.
The company was set up 22 years ago and employs 1.850 staff. In 2011, the income totaled 13 billion dinars. Today, it has 33 retail outlet, five wholesales outlets, and three dependent companies – Novi Sad-based Alba, Subotica-based Trgopromet and Backa Palanka-based Backa.