Mitas to expand factory in Ruma - EUR 3.5 million investment in tire production

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 21.03.2012. 10:09

Ruma-based Mitas tire factory put a new EUR 3.5 million line into operation today to produce radial tires for agricultural machines. These tires are part of the new portfolio for the Russian market.

- The factory in Ruma is using the advantages of the Free Trade Agreement between Russia and Serbia. Mitas boosts the production capacity for radial tractor and combine tires. The Ruma-based factory is currently capable of producing, for example, large radial tires that are commonly used by Russian farmers - says Mitas CEO Jaroslav Cechura.

Cechura believes that Serbia`s strategic position, trained manpower, efficient production costs and the EU candidate status are an excellent springboard for all leading EU companies.

The factory in Ruma has recently obtained an ISO 9001 certificate from SGS. It will also introduce an environmental management system in 2012 to apply for ISO 14001 certification.

- The factory has changed the control of financial flows and procurements, improved the production, applied a quality management system, started repairing the most vital machines, applied SAP and introduced a system to evaluate achieved goals - says Ivo Somr, director of the factory.

The Ruma-based factory was built in 1981, it produces tires for agricultural machines, and Mitas completed its acquisition in 2008.

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