Sport, business and Euro-Atlantic cooperation - international manifestation "NATO race for partnership" to be held on June 25, 2006, on route from Horgoš to Szeged
Great international manifestation "NATO race for partnership" will be held on June 25, 2006, on already defined route from Horgoš, as the biggest SCG's gate to EU, to the biggest city in the south of Hungary - Szeged. All this will be realized under the patronage of the General Secretariat of NATO and with the financial support in amount of 50,000 EUR.
The complete program of the manifestation published in three languages: in Hungarian, Serbian and English language on the Internet site, while the organizers from Hungary and Serbia are carrying out the voluminous organizational preparations.
This will be the first time in the history of the most powerful world military alliance that NATO takes part, as the donator, in some sport manifestation organized by the civil associations and unions. The direct organizers of the manifestation are National Sports Association of Hungary, Athletic Association of Budapest, Administration for Sport of the City of Szeged, Municipality of Kanjiža, Local Community Horgoš and "Beogradski maraton" from Belgrade.
The runners are to pass the route from the start line in Horgoš, in Bartok Bele Street, through Reška, Sentmihalj and Szeged, to the goal line at the military airport, which is the semi-marathon length (21,097.5 m).
The preliminary applications for that race have already started and they will last prior to June 20 on the aforementioned Internet site.