European milling concern opens mill in Feketic - EUR 5 million invested by Julia Mlin
(Julia Mlin)
Julia Mlin, part of the central-eastern European milling concern that operates in four countries in the region, has opened a mill in Feketic, people at that company announced yesterday.
The value of this greenfield investment exceeds EUR 5 million and, as people at Julia Mlin explained, it is the "largest investment in the Serbian agriculture in 2011."
The mill is using a state-of-the-arts technology, its current daily capacity amounts to 150 tonnes of products, and it is planned to be expanded in the future.The mill produces typical standard flours, as well as high-quality special flours adapted to the technologies and requests of individual buyers.
Julia Mlin Srbija was founded in 2008, as part of the central-eastern flour milling complex, which is in the process of creation and currently has production facilities in four countries in the region. Their founders are BMBA Ckermuhlen AG from Switzerland and the flour milling group Muehle Cottbus GmbH - the second largest of the kind in Germany.
In addition to 15 top experts in this field, the mill plans to employ another few tens of workers.
Raw materials for the production at the mill are procured from local manufacturers and they have to be of the highest quality. The quality is controlled in contemporary laboratories within the factory so that the accurate information on the quality of raw materials and ready-made products can be obtained very quickly.
As it was stressed, the key clients of this mill are those needing high-quality products.