Wind Farm Jasikovo with 16 Generators to Be Built on Hills of Majdanpek and Zagubica

Source: eKapija Monday, 20.02.2023. 12:44
Illustration (Photo:
The Municipality of Majdanpek has put the detailed regulation plan of the area of the wind farm Jasikovo in the territory of the municipality of Majdanpek up for early public inspection.

According to the plan, which was prepared by Arhiplan from Arandjelovac, the investor Jasikovo doo Belgrade is planning the construction of a wind farm in the territories of Majdanpek and Zagubica, with a total of 16 wind generators.

– In the final quarter of 2022, the investor started measuring the wind potential in the Sos location in the territory of the municipality of Majdanpek, based on which the existence of the energy potential of the wind, which could be technically used, was determined, so the decision was made to build the wind farm Jasikovo – the document says.

The area of the planned wind farm is around 11 kilometers away from Zagubica and around 18 kilometers away from Majdanpek.

The early public inspection lasts until February 28.

B. P.

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