Five Decrees That Will Enable the Implementation of Law on RES by the End of the Year – Auctions in the Third Quarter

Source: eKapija Thursday, 26.05.2022. 15:07
(Photo: ponsulak/
Although it was announced at the end of last year that auctions for the producers of energy from renewable sources would be carried out in early 2022, it didn’t happen. The eKapija portal learns at the Ministry of Mining and Energy that auctions will be announced in the third quarter of this year.

– Certainly, by the end of the year, the premium will be allocated, through the same auction – the ministry says.

By the end of the year, the other bylaws which will enable the full implementation of the Law on the Use of RES will be adopted, the ministry notes. The Decree on Taking On Balance Responsibility is among them.

– The procedure of harmonizing the Draft Decree on Balance Responsibility with the members of the Work Group is in progress. Although the proposition of the Decree on Taking On Balance Responsibility and the Criteria for Determining the Liquidity of the Organized Intraday Market has been done, it is not harmonized with EPS, EMS and the investors – the ministry says for eKapija.

The decrees that will be adopted by the end of the year:

– The Decree on Taking On Balance Responsibility and the Criteria for Determining the Liquidity of the Organized Intraday Market with a Model of the Agreement on Taking On Balance Responsibility;

– The Decree on a Model of the Agreement on the Feed-In Tariff;

– The Decree on the Producer of Electrical Energy from Renewable Energy Sources and an Origin Guarantee;

– The Decree on the Compensation for the Incentive for Preferred Producers;

– The Decree on Incentive Measures for Reaching the Share of Renewable Energy Sources in Traffic.

M. D.

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