International Passenger Terminal for 30,000 to 50,000 Tourists a Year Opens in Kostolac

Source: Novosti Friday, 01.04.2022. 11:00
Illustration (Photo: Walid Nohra/
An international passenger terminal, whose operator will be the Viminacium Archaeological Park, opened today on the Danube in Kostolac.

This is the seventh such terminal that opened in Serbia, which, according to the projections, will handle 30,000 to 50,000 tourists a year.

– Kostolac has the potential to become an unavoidable point on the route of cruise ships through Serbia, primarily thanks to the close proximity of the Viminacium Archaeological Park. Cruise ships from America, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Israel come to our country, so these terminals connect us with the whole world – said Vuk Perovic, the director of the Port Governance Agency, which financed the construction of the terminal.

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