Serbia First Country in the World to Get Gaming Village – Faculty, Hotel, Spa Center…

Source: Tanjug Thursday, 23.12.2021. 13:02
(Photo: Pixabay / 11333328)
Relog Media, the largest e-sport production house in the Balkans, together with TV Arena Esport, premiered its project of the construction of the first Gaming Village in Serbia and the world at the Serbia Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. The village will soon open and become available for the organization of the world’s biggest e-sport tournaments.

The first built-to-purpose Gaming Arena in the world will be built within the Gaming Village, with 10,000 seats, which will be meant for the organization of large world e-sport tournaments, which are visited by an increasing number of people each year, as announced from the Serbia Pavilion at Expo Dubai.

The Gaming Village will contain: an office space, the Faculty for Esport and Gaming, a management building, a five-star hotel which will have 300 luxuriously equipped rooms, numerous cafes and restaurants which will be available to the guests of the Gaming Village, but also a large spa center and an Olympic pool.

Milutin Pecic, founder and CEO of Relog Media, explains how e-sport contributes to a country’s economy and why it is important for Serbia to take its place in this fastest growing industry in the world, whose proportions are nearly infinite, considering the fact that gaming is the second biggest industry in the world – right after the military industry, whereas, on the global level, gaming earns more than the film and music industries combined.

As a successful example of investments in e-sport, Pecic cites the Polish city of Katowice:

– Although only one gaming tournament is held in Katowice each year, it is already positioned as an e-sport city, which has considerably improved its economy thanks to this activity. Just imagine how much our country will benefit, after the four tournaments that we plan to organize next year. They will contribute to the growth of the economy, but also a higher tourist visibility of our country. With the opening of this Gaming Village, Serbia is positioning itself not just as a regional, but also as a world leader in this field – Pecic concludes.

In addition to e-sport, the Gaming Village will also have considerable capacities for other sports tournaments, because it will feature several top-quality indoor sports facilities with 2,000 seats – a basketball, volleyball and handball court, a hall for combat sports, whereas the outdoor facilities include tennis courts, padel courts and a trim track.

For the development of e-sports, the good geostrategic position of Serbia is extremely important – the good air connection with other countries, a central position in Europe and a visa-free arrangement with numerous large countries such as China, Brazil, India…

The whole project is in line with the highest ecological standards of sustainable building – the use of natural materials such as wood, a systemic recycling of computer equipment, solar panels, roof gardens, whereas entry to this closed complex is possible only by electric vehicles.

What it will all look like at the Gaming Village could partly be seen at the Serbia Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, which hosted the three most popular players in the Serbian and regional e-sport scenes, who are well-recognized in the world scene too – G2 Niko, G2 Hunter and analyst Ynk, who took part in the discussion about the development and popularization of e-sports, and the audience had the exclusive possibility of competing with them and win valuable awards through various interactive programs.

It is not that well known that, aside from the film industry, gaming is the most developed branch of creative industries in Serbia. In 2020, the Serbian gaming industry had revenues of RSD 120 million, with an annual growth rate of 20%, and, despite the pandemic, it has continued growing.

E-sport is currently one of the biggest and fastest-growing industries in the world. Rough estimates say that, in each state, between 2-5% of the total population belongs to the group of e-sport enthusiasts. In Serbia, there are between 150,000 and 350,000 people who follow e-sports and who take active part in it in some way, and it is believed that the majority among them are men between 17 and 38 years of age.

The development of e-sports is a considerable potential for the Serbian gaming scene, and the opening of the Gaming Village will contribute to an even greater popularization of e-sports in Serbia, a better positioning and increased recognition of local gamers, the announcement says.

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