Besides company from Osijek, Bulgarian company "AKB fores" interested in procurement of "Niška pivara" Brewery
The company from Osijek is not the only partners interested in procurement of "Niška pivara" Brewer. On the list of possible buyers is also one Bulgarian company. Representative of "AKB fores" from Stara Zagora stayed in Niš and offered significantly higher price than the Croats did. However, possible problems are debts of the Brewer from Niš of about € 3.5 million. If State writes off the part of its claims, which is announced, the job can be concluded.
Osijek-based Brewer offered to pay €1m for 100% of stocks, i.e. €16.8 per stock. It also announced that in case it was selected for buyer, over one third of the employees of "Niška pivara" Brewer would be dismissed.