ITA gathers 28 Italian companies at Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad

Source: eKapija Sunday, 19.05.2019. 12:04
ITA stand (Photo: Dragana Obradović)ITA stand
The Italian Trade Agency once again organized a collective exhibit at the International Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad, where 28 companies and two centers for promotion from Italy presented their activities.

Aside from the number of participants, the ITA also set a record when it comes to the size of the stand. The 440-m2 pavilion gathered numerous companies which produce and sell agricultural mechanization and spare parts, representatives of the largest plant nurseries in Italy and companies from the Veneto Region.

As Italy was this year’s Partner Country at the Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad, the ITA also organized a range of seminars, workshops, B2B meetings and presentations.

Visitors had the opportunity to learn why it’s important to implement innovations in agriculture, to attend the seminar dedicated to the issues of ecology and sustainable agriculture, but also to learn about the agricultural fairs Agrilevante in Bari and EIMA in Bologna.

Based on all this, it can be concluded that the ITA created a kind of a “fair within a fair”.
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