"Zorka Alas kamen" to invest 350,000 EUR in filters for environmental protection
Company "Zorka Alas kamen", a part of Austrian "Alas holding", informed the public yesterday (May 14, 2009) on the beginning of realization of 350,000 EUR worth of investments in environmental protection of the part of Rudnik mountain where Đeramide quarry is situated.
Filters will significantly reduce emmission of dust into air to the level that is below the allowed minimum of 150 mg per cubic meter.
- Complete environmental protection of this area will be carried out prior to December, which will completely normalize relations with neighboring eco-oasis "Porodica čistog potoka" and nearby households. We have set up sound absorbers, built a wooden fence and planted 200 trees around aforementioned eco-camp. We want to create conditions in which the quarry and eco-oasis can stand next to each other without endangering anybody - said Željko Dragović, a member of the company's Administrative Board.