Total assets of Findomestic bank exceeded 100m EUR - new "cobranded" cards in 2008 for use in large trade centers
Findomestic bank has announced that it increased its capital in December 2007 by 10m EUR, to total of 37m EUR. In that way, the capital obtained from the takeover of Nova Banka has been enlarged within two years from the initial 10 to 37m EUR.
Total assets of Findomestic bank at the end of year 2007 exceeded 100m EUR and the loans approved to the citizens and economy were tripled. The bank has also announced that it will enable approval of the loans to the citizens via phone and that it will introduce the first "co-branded" cards for use in large trade centers.
As a part of "BNP Paribas", Findomestic bank has started to offer comprehensive banking and financial services to all potential French and Italian investors interested in investing their money in Serbia.