Infectious cattle disease causing great losses for cattle farmers – Countries of the region ban the import of live cattle, meat and milk from Serbia
The disease does not endanger humans, but it causes great losses to cattle farmers, as 44 purebred cows had to be put down in a week on the Bujanovac territory. The European Commission has approved to Serbia 50,000 vaccines to fight the lumpy skin disease, and the vaccination is expected to start on Monday, June 20.
The disease had previously come to Serbia from the countries of the region, so Serbia banned the import of cattle and beef from Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey and Macedonia in mid-May.
Among the key measures for combating the disease are early discovery, restriction of movement, preventing illegal transport of animals and putting down the infected cattle. The measures are being undertaken in accordance with the standards and directions by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).