"Kompjuter biblioteka" published book Maya 8 - Visual Quick Guide for Windows and Macintosh
"Kompjuter biblioteka" (Computer Library) from Belgrade has published book "Maya 8 - Visual Quick Guide for Windows and Macintosh".
- That is the only book for this version of the program on the market of Serbia. On more than 500 pages, the most famous program for animation is described by means of visual approach - "Kompjuter biblioteka" announced.
Authors of the book are Morgan Robinson and Nathaniel Stein.
Morgan Robinson, animator in company "Anzovin Studio", made "The Set up Machine 2.0", which is a tool for automatic setting of images for "Maya".
Nathaniel Stein held modelling courses at the University of Masachusets in Amherst. He currently works as an animator and modelling supervisor in company "Anzovin Studio", and he also worked on creation of games, such as "Halo 2", as well as on various movies and short animations.