Chamber of Commerce sent invitation for projects within EU program FP7 - total budget equals 477m EUR
Association of Informatics Activities and EU Collaboration Bureau within Chamber of Commerce of Serbia will organize INFO DAY in September 2007 and inform all of its members on details of FP7 program on that occasion.
The seventh framework program for research and technological development - FP7 is the main instrument of EU for financing scientific-research activities in Europe. The program lasts for seven years, from January 1st, 2007, until the end of year 2013. Total budget for FP7 amounts to 50.521 billion EUR. The program officially became operational on January 1st, 2007.
Great opportunities are offered for those who take part in FP7: applications for national projects, participation of our research workers as project coordinators or managers, access to large number of scholarships and EU funds for research workers and young research workers, possibilities of apprenticeship and work in the institutes in the countries of EU, etc. Besides, all these funds are also available to consortiums and public-private partnerships, as well as to small and mid-sized enterprises that contribute to development of their enterprises with their innovations.
Within the scope of Program "Collaboration-Information and Communication Technologies", the invitation for submittal of projects was announced on June 12, 2007. Total budget related to this invitation amounts to 477m EUR, and the deadline for submittal of draft projects is October 9, 2007.