Novi Sad-based Jugoalat start production in early June
The workers of "Jugoalat" will start producing parts for
hydrants, special round valves and parts specially made for construction and
medical industry will start producing in two weeks and product will be exported
to Austria. This business was agreed by the management of Jugoalat" at yesterday’s meeting with company’s
Production Manager, MKE from
Heidenreichstein from Austria, Ilija Petricic.
Austrian company, MKE will be new partner to "Jugoalat" and it will
pour EUR 150.000 in producton.
According to Petricic, at yesterday’s meeting, they discussed strategy of
production development.
Petricic outlines that they are planning two products which Jugoalat will, under its brand and license, export to former Yugoslav countries and sell all around Serbia.
Owner and head of "Jugoalat" Spasoje Jakovljevic outlined that, apart from Austrian partner, the company could soon get a partner from China.