Green light for fiat cars - Fiat is coming to the Russian market after all?
Russia is ready to comply with the request of Belgrade"
to import fiat cars customs-free "fiat"
within "tariff quota", Moscow
newspaper "Komersant" reports.
That issue, according to the newspapers, will be issued at the next meeting of
the Council of Euro-Asian economic commission April 15 so that it would be
aligned within the Customs union.
Quotas will be mutual and the list of Russian products will be defined by the Ministry of industry and trade. The ministry, however, did not explain which producers want to participate in customs-free export to Serbia.
Komersant states that during negotiations in 2013, they
spoke about 10.000 cars.
Newspapers reports that this way, after a few failed attempts of starting
export of fiat cars to Russia, these cars will get to the Russian market after
all through Serbia.