Vinča landfill to complement Makiš – French company interested in rebuilding the water treatment plant

Source: eKapija Wednesday, 29.10.2014. 15:41

Representatives of the French company Suez Environnement that deals with fresh and waste water treatment visited the Makiš 1 and Makiš 2 plants and the landfill at Vinča on 28 October, according to Beoinfo.

Suez Environnement is similar in size to the other French companies that work with fresh and waste water treatment and solid waste. It is one of the leading global firms in the number of its users in these fields. In the delegation that paid a two-day visit to Belgrade, there were also representatives of its subsidiary Degremont that has specialised in water treatment for over 70 years.

The aim of the visit was to attract large investors through Public-Private Partnership projects. The opening of Makiš 2 fulfilled the conditions for the reconstruction of Makiš 1, which is expected next year. From 1985 to 1987 Degremont owned the technology used in building Makiš 1, and the visit aimed to examine the possibility of their renovating the installations they built at that time.

The company representatives visited the Vinča landfill where they familiarised themselves with the present conditions and the possibility of a Public-Private Partnership.

The guests were hosted by managing directors Svetozar Veselinović of the Belgrade water and sewerage company and Miroslav Bogdanović of the city cleaning company.

The company representatives will meet today in the Belgrade City Assembly with City Manager Goran Vesić and Deputy Mayor Borko Milosavljević, apart from the directors of the water and cleaning companies and the responsible city secretaries.

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