Potpuni naziv:


Odgovorno lice:

Mladen Vukanac, Natalija Ristić

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Adresa:Alekse Nenadovića 15, 11000 Beograd
Telefon: ??? ?? ??? ?? ??, ??? ?? ??
Fax: ??? ?? ??? ?? ??

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Broj zaposlenih:

? (????)

Nivo prihoda/godina:

???-??? EUR

Rast prihoda:



Ime Prezime, ???%

Activity description

Sauter AG is a company operating on an international scale in the development, production and marketing of control, regulation and building management systems for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning sectors. Sauter AG is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of building management systems and provides solutions for offices and administrative buildings, research and educational establishments, hospitals, industrial buildings, laboratories, computer centres, airports, hotels, leisure facilities and other buildings.
The Sauter Group has a global presence through daughter companies and representations. The Group has a total of 1,700 staff, of which 500 are based at company headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. Sauter AG is still a family-owned company.
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01.10.2009.  |  Industry, Construction, IT, Telecommunications

Kompanija "Sauter" doprinosi energetskoj efikasnosti - švajcarska rešenja za održivi razvoj

Švajcarska kompanija "Fr. Sauter AG", lider u automatizaciji zgrada, predstavila je 29. septembra u Kristalnoj dvorani hotela "Hyatt" nova rešenja i švajcarske tehnologije koje omogućuju održivi razvoj. Tom prilikom prikazan je film koji je snimljen na temu energetske efikasnosti i važnosti koju ima automatizacija zgrada u cilju povećanja uštede energije. Film je snimljen u Beogradu i

Iz kataloga roba i usluga


Switch disconnector

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