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Odgovorno lice:

Heinz Kessler


Adresa:Graben 21, 1010 Vienna (Beč)
Telefon: ?? (?)? ???? ?????
Fax: ?? (?)? ???? ? ?????

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16.09.2021.  |  Finance

Erste banka veoma uspješno prošla kroz proces procjene kvaliteta aktive

Erste banka je, prema riječima njenih predstavnika, veoma uspješno prošla kroz proces sveobuhvatne procjene kvaliteta aktive (AQR), koji je sprovela vrhovna monetarna institucija. - Rezultati procjene su potvrdili snažnu kapitalnu poziciju Erste banke i koeficijent solventnosti od 20,18% na 31. decembar 2019. godine. To je znatno iznad regulatornog minimuma od deset odsto - navodi se u

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Financial and insurance services

Banking and investment services

Banking services

Services related to investment banking services

Financial consultancy services

Advisory and consultative engineering services

Development consultancy services

Accounting and auditing services

Feasibility study

Other contacts

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