Elektronski fakultet Niš
Potpuni naziv:
Elektronski fakultet Niš
Odgovorno lice:
Živko Tošić
Matični broj:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
state property
Activity description
27.09.2024. | News
Naučnici Univerziteta u Nišu ponovo na Stanfordovoj listi najuticajnijih naučnika u svetu
Univerzitet Stanford je i ove godine objavio prestižnu listu od 2% najuticajnijih naučnika u svetu za 2023. godinu na kojoj se ponovo nalaze profesori sa Univerziteta u Nišu. Lista je zasnovana na standardizovanim metrikama citiranja koje obuhvataju sve naučnike i naučne discipline tokom njihove karijere. Naučnici su klasifikovani u 22 naučna polja i 174 podpolja prema standardnoj
19.04.2024. | Energy
Petronijević: Ukoliko želimo 1,7 GW solara do 2030. godine, treba da se fokusiramo na male elektrane
19.04.2024. | Energy
28.02.2024. | Construction, IT, Telecommunications, Tourism, Sports, Culture
Buduće inženjerke elektrotehnike prave digitalne modele znamenitih kulturnih objekata
28.02.2024. | Construction, IT, Telecommunications, Tourism, Sports, Culture
13.10.2023. | Energy
U okolini Niša u planu izgradnja četiri solarne elektrane - Unosan posao za investitore?
13.10.2023. | Energy
08.09.2023. | IT, Telecommunications
Upoznajte SrBERTa prvi jezički model za pravne tekstove na srpskoj ćirilici
08.09.2023. | IT, Telecommunications
Personsview all
Philanthropyview all
Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Computer equipment and supplies
Video-surveillance system
Security systems and devices
Radar surveillance equipment
Meteorological instruments
SCADA or equivalent system
Construction work for communication lines
Electrical installation work
Electrical wiring and fitting work
Software package and information systems
Industrial control software package
Maintenance and repair of computer equipment
Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus
Repair and maintenance services of measuring apparatus
Repair and maintenance services of precision equipment
Repair and maintenance services of machinery
Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment
Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
Installation services of electricity distribution and control equipment
Telecommunications services
Mobile-telephone services
Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Architectural design services
Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
Energy and related services
Electrical services
Energy-management services
Energy-efficiency consultancy services
Telecommunication consultancy services
Hazard protection and control consultancy services
Engineering studies
Map-making services
Digital mapping services
Technical inspection and testing services
Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy
Programming services of packaged software products
Industrial control software development services
Information technology services
Maintenance of information technology software
Research and development services and related consultancy services
Development consultancy services
Pre-feasibility study & technological demonstration - Military Research & Technology
Feasibility study
Business and management consultancy and related services
Higher education services