Tida Travel

Micro preduzeće

Potpuni naziv:

Tida Travel

Odgovorno lice:

Zoran Marković

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum


Adresa:Makedonska br. 30, 11000 Beograd
Telefon: ??? ?? ???????
??? ?? ??????
Fax: ??? ?? ???????

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Broj zaposlenih:

? (????)

Nivo prihoda/godina:

???-??? EUR


Ime Prezime, ???%

Activity description

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services

Hotel services

Hotel accomodation services

Camping-site services

Services provided by bed and breakfast establishments

Air transport services

Scheduled air transport services

Non-scheduled air transport services

Hire of air transport equipment with crew

Hire of aircraft with crew

Travel agency and similar services

Sale of travel tickets and package tours services

Travel services

Transport agency services