Louis Berger SAS predstavništvo Beograd

Potpuni naziv:


Odgovorno lice:

Jacques Raymond Aime Blanc

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Adresa:Balkanska 2, 11000 Beograd
Telefon: ??? ?? ???? ???
Fax: ??? ?? ???? ???

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property


Ime Prezime, ???%

Activity description

Konsultanske usluge
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03.12.2016.  |  Industry, Construction, Transport

Inženjer kompanije Louis Berger dobio nagradu za projekat na Koridoru 10

Entoni O'Nil, vođa tima i glavni inženjer na projektu izgradnje autoputa E75 u Srbiji kompanije Louis Berger Group, dobio je za taj zahtevan projekat međunarodnu nagradu Inženjer godine 2016, koju dodeljuje profesionalno udruženje Inženjeri Irske. Louis Berger Group je kompanija koja se bavila nadzorom nad projektom modernizacije na Koridoru 10 od 2011. godine. Modernizacija autoputa E75

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Construction work for bridges

Bridge construction work

Railway bridge construction work

Footbridge construction work

Construction work for steel bridges

Bridge renewal construction work

Viaduct construction work

Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways, flatwork

Pedestrian overpass construction work

Financial consultancy services

Supervision of building work

Engineering services

Transport systems consultancy services

Railway engineering services

Airport engineering services

Infrastructure works consultancy services

Advisory and consultative engineering services

Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works

Pipeline design services

Bridge-design services

Engineering design services for traffic installations

Construction supervision services

Construction-site supervision services

Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services

Development consultancy services

Feasibility study

Business and management consultancy and related services

Other contacts

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