CMEC Beijing
17.03.2021. | Energy, Construction
MIHAJLOVIC: Unacceptable Tardiness and Work Quality in Construction of Block 3 at TPP Kostolac B
17.03.2021. | Energy, Construction
05.09.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction
Over 85% of project related to construction of new thermal block B3 in Kostolac completed
05.09.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction
24.01.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Transport
Works on construction of boat terminal in Kostolac completed – Investment worth EUR 15.8 million
24.01.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Transport
27.08.2018. | Energy, Industry, Construction
Chinese CMEC planning to hire design engineers from Serbia – New unit at TPP Kostolac by end-2020
27.08.2018. | Energy, Industry, Construction
03.02.2016. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Transport
Construction of industrial track in Kostolac started - Investment totals USD 16 m
03.02.2016. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Transport