Veliki Majdan Ljubovija
24.09.2019. | Industry
Mineco invites mining students to apply for “Euro for Knowledge” Foundation scholarship
24.09.2019. | Industry
21.03.2019. | Industry, Construction, Finance
Successful operations of Veliki Majdan mine in 2018 – Further investments in exploration planned
21.03.2019. | Industry, Construction, Finance
22.01.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Finance
22.01.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Finance
16.03.2016. | Industry
Mineco to open lead and zinc mine near Bosilegrad in 2018
16.03.2016. | Industry
22.10.2014. | Energy, Construction
Mineco builds mini hydro power plants in Valjevo, Dimitrovgrad, Paracin and Brus
22.10.2014. | Energy, Construction
01.10.2009. | Industry
"Majdan" in operation again – lead and zinc mine near Ljubovija back on its feet
01.10.2009. | Industry