Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu majke i deteta Srbije Dr Vukan Čupić Beograd
06.08.2024. | Industry, Healthcare
Loncar announced the composition of the team that will deal with the impact of lithium on health
06.08.2024. | Industry, Healthcare
18.01.2021. | Healthcare
2020 RETROSPECTIVE: Investments and Plans in HEALTHCARE Most Interesting to eKapija Users
18.01.2021. | Healthcare
20.06.2018. | Agriculture, Industry, Construction, Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications, Tourism, Sports, Culture, Healthcare
Superbrands awards handed out – eKapija among winners of prestigious acknowledgment
20.06.2018. | Agriculture, Industry, Construction, Transport, Finance, IT, Telecommunications, Tourism, Sports, Culture, Healthcare
17.10.2017. | Healthcare
Clinical Center of Serbia gets Bone Marrow Transplant Center
17.10.2017. | Healthcare
20.05.2015. | Healthcare
Donation of EUR 700.000 for reconstruction of the Institute for mother and child
20.05.2015. | Healthcare