ALITALIA - Linee Aeree Italiane S.p.A
Potpuni naziv:
ALITALIA - Linee Aeree Italiane S.p.A., Viale Alessandro Marchetti 111, RIM, ITALIJA
Activity description
has been transporting passengers and cargo throughout the world since 1947. Its services include the typical and closely related activities carried out by airlines companies such as flight and ground operations, marketing, business strategies, and sales. In Italy, Alitalia serves 25 airports with 1,313 flights a week.
In Europe, the Company serves 63 airports with 1,347 weekly flights. In the rest of the world, Alitalia planes take off and land at 22 airports with 124 flights every week. Since 2001, Alitalia has been a member of the SkyTeam alliance whose members include some of Europe’s and the world’s leading companies – AeroMexico, Aeroflot, Air France, KLM, Continental, CSA Czech Airlines, Delta, Korean and Air Northwest - and whose vast network provides services to 728 destinations in more than 130 countries.
16.07.2021. | Industry, Transport
Aviokompanija koja će zameniti Alitaliju počinje da leti 15. oktobra
Nova aviokompanija koja će biti formirana da zameni Alitaliju, koja je godinama i decenijama u finansijskim teškoćama, počeće prve letove 15. oktobra, saopštilo je italijansko ministarstvo ekonomije. U saopštenju je navedeno da će nova kompanija ITA biti potpuno usmerena na taj datum, posle pozitivnog rezultata razgovora sa Evropskom komisijom. Poslednji letovi Alitalije će biti dan
16.07.2021. | Industry, Transport, Tourism, Sports, Culture
Aviokompanija koja će zamijeniti Alitaliju počinje da leti 15. oktobra
16.07.2021. | Industry, Transport, Tourism, Sports, Culture
18.09.2020. | Transport
Alitalia do kraja marta 2021. obustavlja letove za Podgoricu i Beograd
18.09.2020. | Transport
Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Repair and maintenance services of cars
Air transport services
Hire of air transport equipment with crew
Hire of aircraft with crew
Travel agency and similar services
Sale of travel tickets and package tours services
Transport agency services
Support services for air transport
Airport operation services
Air-traffic control services
Management-related services