Viator & Vektor d. d. Ljubljana

Potpuni naziv:

Skupina Viator & Vektor d. d. Ljubljana

Odgovorno lice:

Zdenko Pavček


Adresa:Dolenjska cesta 244, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Telefon: ??? (?)? ??? ?? ??
??? (?)? ??? ?? ??
Fax: ??? (?)? ??? ?? ??

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Activity description

špedicija, proizvodnja mini buseva, kamiona i vojnih vozila
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06.07.2012.  |  Industry, Transport

Prodata četvrtina vozila "Viator&Vektor logistike" - Kupci i iz Srbije

Aukcija teretnih vozila "Viator&Vektor Logistike" u stečaju održana je u sredu i četvrtak. Prodato je 95 vozila i prikolica čime je prikupljeno 1,38 mil EUR. Stečajni upravnik Anton Jagodic je zadovoljan ishodom aukcije jer je prodata četvrtina vozila i prikolica i to za 130.000 EUR više nego što je planirano. Novcem od prodaje će se isplatiti "Shell", NLB i Gorenjska banka. Kupci

Iz kataloga roba i usluga


Buses and Coaches

Motor vehicles for the transport of goods


Military vehicles

Spare parts for goods vehicles

Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment

Vehicle-fleet-support services

Repair and maintenance services of cars

Car repair services

Car maintenance services

Transport services

Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver

Hire of trucks with driver

Supporting and auxiliary transport services, travel agencies services

Support services for land, water and air transport