Potpuni naziv:

HONDA Motor Co.Ltd, 2-1-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku Tokyo 107-8556, Japan

Odgovorno lice:

Takeo Fukui, President & CEO


Adresa:2-1-1 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, 107-8556 Tokyo (JAPAN)
Telefon: ?? (?)? ???? ????

Activity description


Honda Motor Co., Ltd., operates under the basic principles of "Respect for the Individual" and "The Three Joys"-commonly expressed as The Joy of Buying, The Joy of Selling and The Joy of Creating. Respect for the Individual" reflects our desire to respect the unique character and ability of each individual person, trusting each other as equal partners in order to do our best in every situation. Based on this foundation of Respect for the Individual, "The Three Joys" expresses our belief and desire that each person working in, or coming into contact with our company, directly or through our products, should share a sense of joy through that experience.

In line with these basic principles, since its establishment in 1948, Honda Motor Co., Ltd., has remained on the leading edge by creating new value by providing products of the highest quality at a reasonable price, for worldwide customer satisfaction. In addition, the Company has conducted its activities with a commitment to protecting the environment and enhancing safety in a mobile society.

The Company has grown to become the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer and one of the leading automakers. With a global network of 454* subsidiaries and affiliates accounted for under the equity method, Honda develops, manufactures and markets a wide variety of products ranging from small general-purpose engines and scooters to specialty sports cars, to earn the Company an outstanding reputation from customers worldwide.

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18.05.2015.  |  Industry, Transport

Japanska automobilska kompanija "Honda Motors" uskoro predstavlja prvi avion

Japanski automobilski koncern "Honda Motors" uskoro će predstaviti svoj prvi avion "Honda Jet", piše "Wall Street Journal". Avion će, kako se očekuje, biti u klasi ultrabrzih poslovnih aviona i moći će da primi sedam osoba. Procenjena vrednost vazduhoplova je 4,5 mil USD, navodi list. Osnovna karakteristika aviona je položaj motora iznad krila, za razliku od uobičajenog položaja u

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Passenger cars

Estate and saloon cars

Estate cars

Internal-combustion engines for motor vehicles and motorcycles


Other contacts

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