Pro Tent Obrenovac

Veliko preduzeće

Potpuni naziv:


Odgovorno lice:

Slobodan Vujičić

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum dolor


Adresa:Krug Termoelektrane Nikola Tesla-B, 11500 Urovci
Telefon: ??? ?? ???? ???, ??? ?? ???? ???
Fax: ??? ?? ???? ???

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Broj zaposlenih:

???? (????)

Nivo prihoda/godina:

???-??? EUR

Rast prihoda:



Ime Prezime, ???%

11 godina uzastopno ostvarene dobiti

13 godine uzastopnog uvećanja zaposlenih

Activity description

PRO TENT d.o.o. osnovan je od strane JP TERMOELEKTRANE Nikola Tesla d.o.o. 22.septembra 2003.godine kao preduzeće za pružanje usluga.U oktobru 2005. JP TENT d.o.o. preneo je osnivačka prava na Vladu Republike Srbije. Od tada PRO TENT d.o.o. posluje kao privredno društvo.

Od samog nastanka, PD PRO TENT d.o.o. bazirao se na pružanje usluga iz pre svega mašinskog i elektro održavanja u PD TENT d.o.o. Početkom 2009.godine, PD PRO TENT d.o.o. pružao je usluge iz svih oblasti PD TENT d.o.o, JP EMS, JP Beogradske toplane, Gradskoj opštini Obrenovac, opštinskim javnim preduzećima.

Danas PD PRO TENT d.o.o. sadašnjim i potencijalnim klijentima pruža veliki opseg delatnosti i usluga u skladu sa savremenim trendovima poslovanja kao što su: usluge mašinskog i elektro održavanja (remont termoenergetskih postrojenja, održavanje kranova i dizalica...), usluge iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine (rekultivacija deponija pepela, eko zaštita), Konsalting i inženjering, Ishrana zaposlenih, kao i ostale usluge(održavanje PP aparata, intelektualno-konsultantske usluge, projektovanje, iznajmljivanje stručne radne snage, fizičko-tehničko obezbeđenje, obezbeđenje objekata .
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14.11.2024.  |  Energy, Industry, Finance

Radnici Pro Tenta u Kostolcu obustavili rad na nekoliko sati - Traže izjednačavanje plata sa zaposlenima u EPS-u

Radnici Pro Tenta koji su angažovani na kopovima Kostolac obustavili su rad na par sati i okupili se ispred Direkcije Termoelektrana i kopova Kostolac. Radnici zahtevaju da se njihove plate izjednače sa zaposlenima na istim pozicijama u Elektroprivredi Srbije i da kao i oni dobiju beneficirani radni staž ili da ih zaposle direktno u EPS-u. Kako stoji u saopštenju, zaposleni Pro Tenta se više


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Prihod €
Dobit €
Rast prihoda
Rast dobiti
Rast broja zaposlenih €
Dobit / Prihod
Prihod po zaposlenom €
Dobit po zaposlenom €

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Horticultural products

Live plants, bulbs, roots, cuttings and slips

Forestry and logging products


Coniferous wood

Ornamental plants, grasses, mosses or lichens

Tree-nursery products


Bedding plants


Slag, dross, ferrous waste and scrap

Chemical products

Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds

Basic organic chemicals


Jack-up rigs


Heating equipment

Turbine installations


Steam-generating boilers

Lifting and handling equipment

Lifting trucks

Heat-exchange units and machinery for liquefying air or other gases

District heating boiler

Ventilation equipment

Fire-extinguishers, spray guns, steam or sand blasting machines

Non-domestic floor polishers

Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment

Mining equipment

Construction machinery and equipment


Surface dressing

Fire hydrants

Construction work

Excavating and earthmoving work

Landscaping work for green areas

Landscaping work for parks

Landscaping work for gardens

Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work

Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses

Construction work for houses

Sheltered housing construction work

Houses construction work

Multi-dwelling buildings construction work

Flats construction work

Installation works of walkways

Waste-treatment plant construction work

Waste disposal site construction work

Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways, flatwork

Heat-transfer station construction work

Sewer construction work

Drainage construction works

Motorway construction works

Road construction works

Road-maintenance works

Pedestrian ways construction work

Pedestrian zone construction work

Foundation work for streets

Construction works for power plants and heating plants

Heating plant construction work

District-heating plant construction work

Construction works for sewage treatment plants, purification plants and refuse incineration plants

Roof works and other special trade construction works

Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings

Roof-framing work

Metal roof-covering work

Guttering work

Dressed stonework

Industrial chimneys



Electrical installation work

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work

Central-heating installation work

Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work

Ventilation installation work

Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator

Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment

Repair and maintenance services of cars

Car repair services

Repair and maintenance services of buses

Bus repair services

Bus maintenance services

Truck repair services

Truck maintenance services

Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment

Railway-track maintenance services

Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus

Repair and maintenance services of measuring apparatus

Repair and maintenance services of precision equipment

Repair and maintenance services of pumps

Repair and maintenance services of machinery

Repair and maintenance services of boilers

Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment

Repair and maintenance services of electric motors

Repair and maintenance services of transformers

Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment

Repair and maintenance services of central heating

Commissioning of heating installations

Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services

Installation services of mechanical equipment

Installation services of steam generators, turbines, compressors and burners

Installation services of machinery and equipment

Installation services of construction machinery

Catering services

Transport services

Road transport services

Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver

Hire of trucks with driver

Supporting and auxiliary transport services, travel agencies services

Postal services

Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis

Project and design preparation, estimation of costs

Engineering services

Pipeline design services

Mechanical engineering services

Engineering studies

Landscape gardening services

Technical inspection and testing services

Research and development services and related consultancy services

Research and experimental development services

Development consultancy services

Pre-feasibility study & technological demonstration - Military Research & Technology

Forestry services

Logging services

Tree-clearing services

Tree-cutting services

Tree-maintenance services

Tree seeding

Forestry management services

Afforestation services

Forestry extension services

Horticultural services

Planting and maintenance services of green areas

Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services

Parks maintenance services

Grounds maintenance services

Grassing services

Seeding services

Sports fields maintenance services

Tree pruning and hedge trimming

Tree pruning

Hedge trimming

Feasibility study

Business and management consultancy and related services

Human resources management consultancy services

Job search services

Investigation and security services

Security services

Alarm-monitoring services

Guard services

Printing services

Services related to printing

Miscellaneous business and business-related services

Health services

Landfill management services

Environmental auditing

Pollution investigation services

Environmental protection

Environmental safety services

Cleaning services

Window-cleaning services

Facility related sanitation services

Washing and dry-cleaning services

Textile-cleaning services

Locksmith services

Procurement plans

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