Saga d.o.o. Beograd

Veliko preduzeće

Potpuni naziv:

Privatno društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za promet roba i usluga u zemlji i inostranstvu Saga d.o.o.Beograd

Odgovorno lice:

Radenko Radan

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum


Adresa:Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 64a, 11070 Beograd
Telefon: ??? ?? ???? ???
Fax: ??? ?? ???? ???

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Broj zaposlenih:

??? (????)

Nivo prihoda/godina:

???-??? EUR

Rast prihoda:



Ime Prezime, ??.??%
Ime Prezime, ??.??%
Ime Prezime, ?%
Prikaži sve

17 godina uzastopno ostvarene dobiti

Activity description

Od svog osnovanja 1989. godine, Saga je kompanija koja nudi ICT usluge pre svega velikim i srednjim kompanijama na tržištu, u industrijama gde je ICT od ključne važnosti za postizanje uspeha. Od 2005. godine Saga je po prometu sistem-integrator broj jedan u Srbiji i evidentni lider na tržištu. Tokom svog postojanja ostvarila je partnerstva sa više od 70 renomiranih preduzeća iz ICT industrije. Konstantno se širi u regionu i investira u zaposlene, njihovo obučavanje i povećanje njihovog nivoa znanja i veština. U 2009. godini Saga je postala deo New Frontier Group – najperspektivnije grupacije ICT preduzeća u Centralnoj i Istočnoj Evropi koja se 2013. godine našla na Gartnerovoj listi 10 najuspešnijih sistem-integora na ovim tržištima.
Prikaži pun opis


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04.03.2023.  |  Finance, IT, Telecommunications

Noventiq preuzeo IT kompaniju Saga

Noventiq, globalni provajder rešenja i usluga za digitalnu transformaciju i sajber bezbednost, preuzeo je većinski udeo u kompaniji Saga. Vrednost akvizicije nije saopštena. Zatvaranjem ugovora, Saga i sve ćerke kompanije New Frontier Grupe nastaviće da posluju pod svojim postojećim brendom uz integraciju imena Noventiq u svoj logo. Grupa, koja će zadržati sedište u Beogradu, takođe


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Prihod €
Dobit €
Rast prihoda
Rast dobiti
Rast broja zaposlenih €
Dobit / Prihod
Prihod po zaposlenom €
Dobit po zaposlenom €

Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Computer equipment and supplies

Mainframe computer

Minicomputer hardware

Personal computers

Portable computers

Desktop computer


Scanners for computer use

Computer screens and consoles

Flat panel displays

Peripheral equipment

Printers and plotters

Laser printers

Colour graphics printers

Media storage and reader devices

Storage media

Miscellaneous computer equipment

Parts, accessories and supplies for computers

Network interfaces

Power supply accessories

Uninterruptible power supplies UPS

Substation equipment


Local area network

Communications network

Network routers

Network equipment

Network infrastructure

Network system

Wide area network

Telephone network

Optical-fibre cables

Communications infrastructure

Fibre-optic apparatus

Construction work for communication lines

Construction and ancillary works for telephone and communication lines

Installation of cable infrastructure

Installation of computer cabling

Software package and information systems

Database systems

Operating systems


Maintenance and repair of computer equipment

Maintenance and repair of mainframe computers

Maintenance and repair of data network equipment

Maintenance of data network equipment

Repair of data network equipment

Repair services of personal computers

Maintenance services of personal computers

Support services of personal computers

System maintenance services

Installation services of computers

Web server software development services

Custom software development services

Systems support services

Software-related services

Software support services

Software maintenance and repair services

Maintenance of information technology software

Software supply services

Computer network services

Other contacts

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