ATB Sever d.o.o. Subotica
Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Mile Todorović, Zhaohui Han
Matični broj:
Datum osnivanja:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
??? (?)?? ??? ???
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Broj zaposlenih:
??? (????)
Nivo prihoda/godina:
???-??? EUR
Rast prihoda:
2 godine uzastopnog rasta prihoda
Activity description
Najznačajniji programi kompanije ATB SEVER su
Industrijski električni motori i generatori niskog i visokog napona
Namenski električni motori
Cirkulacione pumpe pumpe i pumpni sistemi za vodosnabdevanje
Industrijski prenosnici - reduktori
Inženjering poslovi u termoelektranama hidroelektranama i površinskim kopovima
Remont svih vrsta elektromotora hidro i turbogeneratora.
ATB SEVER plasira svoje proizvode i usluge širom sveta za potrebe elektroprivrede rudarstva metalurgije industrije papira hemijske industrije vodosnabdevanja centralnog grejanja prehrambene industrije industrije duvana poljoprivrede kao i za potrebe saobraćaja i telekomunikacija.
Share in companies
25.10.2023. | Energy, Construction
Završena revitalizacija HE Đerdap 1 - EPS dobio dodatnih 100 zelenih megavata
Revitalizacija hidroelektrane Đerdap 1 je uspešno završena, u toku su primopredajna ispitivanja i najkasnije do polovine novembra očekuje se sinhronizacija i uključivanje u elektroenergetski sistem, saopšteno je iz Elektroprivrede Srbije (EPS). U saopštenju se navodi da je ovih dana pokrenuta prva vrtnja poslednjeg revitalizovanog agregata A3, te da je Đerdap 1 sa šest modernizovanih i
12.05.2022. | Energy
HE Perućica obilježava 62 godine postojanja - U pripremi realizacija značajnih investicija
12.05.2022. | Energy
20.06.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Transport
20.06.2019. | Energy, Industry, Construction, Transport
12.10.2018. | Industry, Construction
Kineska kompanija Ziđin zainteresovana i za kupovinu Instituta za rudarstvo
12.10.2018. | Industry, Construction
Nivo godišnjeg prihoda (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Broj zaposlenih
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Dobit (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Events
Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Electric motors, generators and transformers
Electric motors
Generating sets
Diesel-powered generator set
Parts for electrical motors and generators
Generator rotors
Electricity distribution and control apparatus
Electrical materials
Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies
Energy meters
Turbine installations
Parts of turbines
Parts of water wheels
Digital remote-control unit
Mining equipment
Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts
Construction machinery and equipment
Civil engineering machinery
Construction materials
Plumbing and heating materials
Plumbing materials
Water mains
Drinking-water piping
Pipes and fittings
Steam and water pipes
Pipe fittings
Various pipe fittings
Bends, tees and pipe fittings
Manhole elements
Paints, varnishes and mastics
Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
Construction work for houses
Sheltered housing construction work
Houses construction work
Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
Flats construction work
Petrol/gas stations construction work
Construction work for electricity power lines
Construction work for water projects
Flood-defences maintenance works
Construction work for power plant
Hydro-electric plant construction work
Plant upgrade work
Electrical installation work
Electrical fitting work
Other building completion work
Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator
Automation system
Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment
Repair and maintenance services of locomotives
Repair and maintenance services of pumps
Repair and maintenance services of machinery
Repair and maintenance services of compressors
Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment
Repair and maintenance services of electric motors
Repair and maintenance services of transformers
Repair and maintenance services of generators
Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment
Installation services of electric motors, generators and transformers
Installation services of electric motors
Catering services
Real estate services
Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis
Building rental or sale services
Engineering services
Technical inspection and testing services
Remote access software development services
Software maintenance and repair services
Timber harvesting services
Timber-impregnation services
Management holdings services
Locksmith services