Adomne doo Novi Sad
Potpuni naziv:
Adomne doo Novi Sad
Odgovorno lice:
Igor Vukobratović, Miodrag Počuč
Matični broj:
Datum osnivanja:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Broj zaposlenih:
?? (????)
Nivo prihoda/godina:
???-??? EUR
Rast prihoda:
8 godina uzastopno ostvarene dobiti
Activity description
Inspekcija puteva,
Predmeri i predračuni u niskogradnji,
Projektovanje saobraćajnica i saobraćajne opreme,
Priprema projekata, analiza troškova investicija,
Javna bezbednost,
Usluge inženjerskog projektovanja,
Arhitektonsko projektovanje vezano za nadgradnju i proširenje postojećih objekata ,
Termoizolacioni materijali,
Izolaterski radovi
15.01.2024. | Construction, Transport
Važno je da se grade autoputevi, a još važnije, da se najavljuje da se grade autoputevi – tako bismo mogli ukratko da sumiramo najčitanije vesti o investicijama u oblasti saobraćaja na našem portalu prethodne godine. Prošlu godinu obeležila je gradnja, ali i najavljivanje izgradnje autoputeva, istih onih deonica čija je izgradnja najavljivana i ranijih godina, pa iz raznih razloga,
19.01.2023. | Construction, Transport
Konzorcijumu koji nadgleda gradnju obilaznice oko Beograda produžen ugovor do kraja godine
19.01.2023. | Construction, Transport
29.05.2022. | Construction, Transport
Predložena izgradnja dva kružna toka u Užicu
29.05.2022. | Construction, Transport
06.01.2020. | Construction, Transport
Novi Sad razmatra mogućnost proširenja pešačke zone
06.01.2020. | Construction, Transport
Nivo godišnjeg prihoda (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Broj zaposlenih
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Dobit (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Mining, basic metals and related products
Road equipment
Road markings
Street-lighting equipment
Control, safety,signalling and light equipment
Illuminated traffic signs
Road signs
Street signs
Crossing control signalling equipment
Surface dressing
Signs and related items
Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
Road paint
Car park building construction work
Parking lot construction work
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways, flatwork
Construction work for gas pipelines
Motorway construction works
Road construction works
Road-maintenance works
Surface work for roads
Road-surface painting work
Installation of road signs
Installation of road signals
Foundation work for streets
Installation work of illumination and signalling systems
Installation of outdoor illumination equipment
Installation of road lighting equipment
Installation of illuminated road signs
Installation of traffic lights
Maintenance services of public-lighting installations and traffic lights
Traffic-signal maintenance services
Traffic control services
Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
Supervision of building work
Transport systems consultancy services
Airport engineering services
Infrastructure works consultancy services
Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
Pipeline design services
Bridge-design services
Engineering design services for traffic installations
Construction supervision services
Construction-site supervision services