Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije
Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Lidija Amidžić
Matični broj:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Sed eget rutrum mauris In
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
state property
Activity description
Objekti i toponimi
08.10.2024. | Industry
RERI: Rio Tinto želi da potencijalne uticaje na okolinu projekta Jadar prikaže manjim nego što su
Nevladina organizacija Regulatorni institut za obnovljivu energiju i životnu sredinu (RERI) je danas saopštila da je kompanija Rio Tinto zahtevom za određivanje obima i sadržaja studije o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu, obuhvatila samo deo projekta "Jadar", čime, kako je navedeno, pokušava da potencijalne uticaje na životnu sredinu prikaže manjim nego što bi bili. Najave da će
13.09.2024. | News
Pokrenut postupak zaštite planine Rudnik kao predela izuzetnih odlika
13.09.2024. | News
05.08.2024. | Industry, Construction
Ministarstvo: Trenutno nema zahteva za eksploataciju rude na području Novog Pazara
05.08.2024. | Industry, Construction
08.07.2024. | Construction, IT, Telecommunications, Healthcare
Planirana fazna gradnja kompleksa BIO 4 kampus
08.07.2024. | Construction, IT, Telecommunications, Healthcare
01.12.2023. | Transport
"Sokolom za sokola" - Srbijavoz pokreće kampanju za zaštitu retke ptice
01.12.2023. | Transport
Philanthropyview all
Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Tree-nursery products
Landscaping work for parks
Environmental engineering consultancy services
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services
Environmental monitoring
Engineering studies
Logging services
Tree-clearing services
Tree-cutting services
Tree-maintenance services
Tree seeding
Services incidental to forestry
Forestry management services
Forest resources management services
Forest monitoring or evaluation services
Afforestation services
Forestry extension services
Environmental-impact consultancy services
Environmental services
Environmental management
Environmental planning
Urban environmental development planning
Environmental auditing
Environmental quality control services
Pollution investigation services
Environmental protection
Environmental safety services
Soil pollution mapping
Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
Recreational, cultural and sporting services
Museum services and preservation services of historical sites and buildings
Preservation services of historical sites and buildings
Nature reserve services
Wildlife preservation services