PRO-METAN d.o.o. Niš
Potpuni naziv:
Odgovorno lice:
Nikola Kirov
Matični broj:
Datum osnivanja:
Pretežna delatnost:
(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing
??? (?)?? ???? ???
Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Broj zaposlenih:
?? (????)
Nivo prihoda/godina:
???-??? EUR
Rast prihoda:
15 godina uzastopno ostvarene dobiti
2 godine uzastopnog uvećanja zaposlenih
Activity description
- Instalacije grejanja i hlađenja
- Ventilacije i odimljavanja
- Gasnih instalacija
- Korišćenje obnovljivih izvora energije
- Većih sistema kao što su toplane, vrelovodne mreže, rashladne centrale itd.
08.07.2024. | Energy, Industry, Construction
Kompaniji Energotehnika-Južna Bačka sa još 38 podizvođača poveren je posao izgradnje trigenerativnog postrojenja za snabdevanje toplotnom, rashladnom i električnom energijom objekata u okviru PPPPN Nacionalni fudbalski stadion. Vrednost ugovora je nešto manje od 18 milijardi dinara bez PDV-a, odnosno oko 153 mil EUR. Firme koje su dobile ugovor su jedine koje su poslale ponudu na tender
22.05.2019. | Construction
Počinje izgradnja još 3 zgrade sa jeftinim stanovima u Nišu - Vrednost projekta 330 miliona dinara
22.05.2019. | Construction
12.06.2013. | Construction
U borbi sa nepogodama - Srbija dobija pet regionalnih centara za vanredne situcije, prvi u Zaječaru
12.06.2013. | Construction
28.08.2012. | Industry, Construction
Dograđuje se Osnovna škola "Ljupče Nikolić" u Aleksincu, vrednost posla 520.000 EUR
28.08.2012. | Industry, Construction
Nivo godišnjeg prihoda (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Broj zaposlenih
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Dobit (EUR)
Ulogujte se da biste videli potpune informacije.Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Solar energy
Solar installation
Gas cooling systems
Gas network equipment
Gas pressure equipment
Gas heaters
Fuel-gas systems
Heat-exchange units and machinery for liquefying air or other gases
HVAC packages
District heating boiler
Gas pipelines
Gas-distribution network
High-pressure pipeline
Heat-recovery systems
Heat-recovery equipment
Construction work for gas pipelines
Heating works
Heat-transfer station construction work
Heating plant construction work
District-heating plant construction work
Gas terminal construction work
Gas-production plant construction work
Heating-plant repair and maintenance work
Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
Central-heating installation work
Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
Partial air-conditioning installation work
Gas-fitting installation work
Gas regulation equipment installation work
Gas meter installation work
Repair and maintenance services of gas meters
Repair and maintenance services of gas-detection equipment
Repair and maintenance services of pumps
Repair and maintenance services of boilers
Gas appliance maintenance services
Repair and maintenance services of building installations
Repair and maintenance services of central heating
Commissioning of heating installations
Architectural and related services
Architectural design services
Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
Heating-system design services
Ventilation consultancy services
Services incidental to gas extraction