
Alliance One International

Potpuni naziv:

Alliance One International, Inc 8001 Aerial Center Parkway, Morrisville (USA)


Adresa:8001 Aerial Center Parkway, 2009 Morrisville (USA)
Telefon:??? ??? ????
Fax:??? ??? ????

Opis delatnosti

As a leading independent leaf tobacco merchant, Alliance One International provides worldwide service to the large cigarette manufacturers. Multinational manufacturers of consumer tobacco products rely on independent merchants such as Alliance One to supply the majority of their leaf. We purchase tobacco in more than 45 countries and serve manufacturers of cigarettes and other consumer tobacco products in over 90 countries.

Alliance One proudly claims broad geographic processing capabilities, a diversified product offering, and an established customer base, which includes all of the major consumer tobacco product manufacturers. We select, purchase, process, pack, store, ship, and, in certain developing markets, provide agronomy expertise and financing for growing leaf tobacco.

Our revenues primarily comprise sales of processed tobacco and fees charged for related services to manufacturers of consumer tobacco products around the world. We do not manufacture cigarettes or other consumer tobacco products.

Alliance One's global headquarters is located in Raleigh , North Carolina.

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01.10.2010.  |  IT, Telekomunikacije

Bolja nastava informatike za osnovce na jugu Srbije - Donacija kompanije "Alliance One Tobacco"

(Donacija u Bujanovcu) Za početak nove školske godine, đaci osnovnih škola iz Preševa i Bujanovca dobili su na poklon nove kompjutere od kompanije "Alliance One Tobacco". Osnovcima iz škole "Muharem Kadriu" iz Velikog Trnovca (opština Bujanovac) i škole "9. maj" iz sela Reljan (opština Preševo) kompjuteri će omogućiti da nauče da koriste, danas već neophodne, savremene alate u

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