Hotel Crna Gora Podgorica
Potpuni naziv:
Opis delatnosti
It is located in the very centre of town, between two beautiful parks. The stone terrace of monumental architecture facing the park is the landmark of the town of Podgorica.
Hotel Crna Gora is part of Company UTIP Crna Gora. Majority owner of UTIP Crna Gora is Company Normal Tours. The complete renovation of Hotel Crna Gora is planned for the next two years and after which the hotel will earn a five star rating.
This demanding project will give the hotel a new, modern exterior as well as an interior, using the latest materials to restore the glamour and image that it deserves.
11.02.2024. | Finansije
Skroman promet na berzi, indeksi u zelenom
Neznatan rast indeksa i skromniji promet obilježili su sedmicu na Montenegroberzi. Pokazatelj vrijednosti deset najboljih kompanija MNSE10 i indeks MONEX ojačali su po 0,5% na 1.041,71 poen, odnosno 15.401,73 boda. Promet je iznosio 196,27 hiljada EUR i bio je dva puta veći od prošlosedmičnog. Najviše je poskupila akcija preduzeća UTIP Crna Gora, 90% na 57 centi. Ojačali su i Održavanje
08.08.2021. | Finansije
Indeksi u zelenom u mirnom trgovanju - Promet od blizu 30.000 EUR realizovan kroz 17 transakcija
08.08.2021. | Finansije
31.07.2020. | IT, Telekomunikacije, Turizam, sport, kultura
31.07.2020. | IT, Telekomunikacije, Turizam, sport, kultura
Objavljeni tenderi
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Sed eget rutrum mauris
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